compass lying on a map

Writing Your Philosophy

From Thought to Thorough

I have a Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning. I helped future teachers navigate the treacherous waters of philosophy for more than a decade. Swim with me, and behold, as your world opens wide.

Let's get started.

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As you prepare for your teaching career, you may be asked to write a statement of your teaching philosophy. You may even jump online and start reading sample philosophies floating around the net, like leaves in the wind. I've created a course to guide you, from step one through editing your rough draft.

The task of putting beliefs on paper has been around for years; so many people write them; however, few truly understand the principles underlying the ideas they espouse. The first step is opening your mind and searching for answers to life's basic questions.

Who are you? Why are you on earth? What is your purpose in this life? After you begin tackling these tough questions, you start answering them within the context of your classroom. What do you believe about kids? About learning? About your role in the process? What kind of relationship will you have with the souls in your care? What are your expectations for them as learners?

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